The Package Insert Hub (PI Hub) is a unique tool, providing learners with access to a wide variety of PIs that can be accessed using CLD’s exclusive side-by-side viewing feature.
First, PIs are retrieved from the PI Hub repository by either selecting pre-defined keywords or using a free-text search feature. The search results screen displays the title of each relevant PI and its date of the last update. Then, the learner may either select a PI title to open that PI or open the side-by-side viewer to see all PIs that were returned from the search. Want to quickly see the dosing information for multiple competitors? Simply select the “dosage” quick link on the left side of the screen.
Schedule a demo & Take control of your PIs
Side-by-Side Viewer
Sales representatives select specific PI sections to compare across multiple competitors by class, dosage, indications, contraindications, etc.
Trainers choose the included keywords and the PI sections that are viewable side-by-side.
Sort & Search
Sort by drug name, date of last PI update, or custom tags.